I discovered a brilliant Tumblr account. Personally, I hate Tumblr, as most of the people who post on it are pretentious, pretend-artistic, emotastic losers who want somewhere to post their "creations" and who trade followings so that they can feel popular. HOWEVER, this Joey kid is amazing. He's from out East somewhere, young and a university student. A photographer, I think. Anyway, his photos are well done, and when I become a famous novelist I'll try to find him and have him do my book jacket shots, but more importantly his eye for GIFs is superb. He does mostly tv or video clips, but that doesn't make them any less well done. I've now seen all 390+ pages of his stuff backwards through time, and he's actually become really pretty good. You will likely see my posts peppered with his stuff from now on.
Like right now. So the last couple of days, I've been feeling kind of at-the-back-of-the-room-ish. You know, the feeling you get when you suddenly realize that no one is looking and you could totally pick your nose if you wanted to. It's not a bad feeling, really; more than anything, it's a refreshing feeling, like you're not on stage and that's ok. It's relieving. And I'm actually really glad, because right now I feel like a few of the things in my life are metaphorically this:
Horray for being under the radar! |