Thursday, August 8, 2013

Going Veggie

Alright guys, so here it is: I'm going vegetarian (or possibly flexiterian).  There are a lot of reasons why and a lot of conversations and moments and thoughts that have influenced the decision, but there are essentially two main things going on.

First,I'm doing it for health reasons.  While I realize it's not unhealthy to eat meat (never mind what all the crazies say), I personally feel better when my diet consists of primarily plant-based food sources.  Additionally, I'm becoming more and more aware of the dangers of eating processed foods, primarily because of the added sugars that go into all kinds of foods (according to National Geographic's August 2013 issue, about 1.77 tsp of sugar per 3 tbsp of ketchup, for instance), and I'd like to cut as much of that as possible out of my diet.

Second, I'm doing it for sustainability reasons.  Meat-based diets require more land, water, and fossil fuel resources than lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets, and it's something that I find I can't do anymore.  I've been striving to be more "green" in my everyday life already (from turning off lights to putting a water bottle in the toilet tank to seeking out local sources for milk, eggs, and cheese), and cutting out meat consumption is just another logical step in that process.  It might be a small impact, but so are most of the things I've done.  Consider it a starfish thing.

So here's the deal, friends.  My goal is to be meatless by August 25 (the day before school starts) and, like any long-term friend, I feel like I need to make a few good memories with meat before we go our separate ways.  Which means, naturally, getting all my favorite meat-based meals one last time.  If you're interested, I'd love some company.  Just let me know which restaurant seems appealing (by blog comment, fb message, text, etc.) and we'll go!
  • Red Lobster - because lobster, duh
  • Texas Roadhouse - goodbye steak
  • The Portneuf Brewery - Canadian Dreaming pizza, I will miss you
  • Pizza Hut - one last Meat Lovers
  • Goody's - Western pizza bombs, you will be missed
  • 5 Guys - because burgers, duh
  • Jimmy John's - the Italian Nightlife is where it's at
  • Sumisu's or Blue Hashi - unagi, you have been good to me
  • your place, if you have a grill - because I make better pork chops than a restaurant
I'll cross these off the list as people volunteer to by my dining companion or as I go by myself.  You don't have to eat what I'm having (obviously), and you don't have to agree with my choice, but I'd love the support!